Greensboro Selectboard

REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING: Wednesday Jan. 10 at 6:30 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting. Join in-person at the Greensboro Free Library (upstairs meeting room), or join remotely.

Zoom link:

Call in:1-646-931-3860, meeting ID# 824 558 6005

For help with joining the meeting, call the Town Clerk at 533-2911 during office hours.



MINUTES        (6:30 – 6:35)

Approve minutes:

  1. 12/13 regular meeting
  2. 12/29 emergency meeting
  3. Budget meetings: 11/29, 12/13, 12/20, 12/27, 1/3/24

PUBLIC CONCERNS          (6:35 – 6:40)

ORLEANS COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT.         (6:40 – 6:45)

Review December report

GREENSBORO FIRE DEPT. – Chief Dave Brochu, Jr.       (6:45– 6:55)

  1. Review monthly report
  2. Finalize Stannard/Greensboro fire contract

ROADS & DRIVEWAYS        (6:55 – 7:10)

  1. Road Foreman’s report – Tom Camarra
  2. July Flood/FEMA update
  3. VT Emergency Management – re storm drain clearing
  4. Certificate of Highway Mileage

TOWN CLERK – Kim Greaves         (7:10 – 7:15)

Smith’s Store – 2nd Class liquor License; Tobacco License

TREASURER – Brett Stanciu         (7:15 – 7:25)

  1. Treasurer’s monthly report
  2. Review FY 2024 budget, YTD
  3. Review December check warrant reports
  4. Transfer remaining ARPA funds into General Fund

TOWN MEETING 2024         (7:25 – 7:40)

  1. Finalize FY25 budget
  2. Finalize and sign Warning for town meeting

ONGOING BUSINESS         (7:40 – 7:45)

  1. Wilson St. drainage issues – update
  2. Community Wastewater System – update on land purchases

OTHER BUSINESS          (7:45 –  7:50)

Kingdom Games – request to hold swim meet

EXECUTIVE SESSION – personnel      (7:50)