Greensboro Selectboard

REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING: Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 4 PM

*Note change of start time to 4 PM*

This will be a hybrid meeting. Join in-person at the Greensboro Free Library (upstairs meeting room) or join remotely.

Zoom link:

Call in: 1-646-931-3860, meeting ID 824 558 6005

For help with joining the meeting, call the Town Clerk at 533-2911 during office hours.



MINUTES        (4:00 – 4:05)

Approve minutes:

  1. 1/10 regular meeting
  2. 1/17 budget meeting

PUBLIC CONCERNS          (4:05 – 4:10)

TOWN HALL HOUSING UPDATE – Patrick Shattuck, RuralEdge     (4:10 – 4:25)

TOWN HALL I.T. UPGRADES – Andy Mosedale, Paul Fixx      (4:25 – 4:35)

  1. Agreement between Hardwick Gazette and Town of Greensboro to share Spark’s existing fiber internet at the Town Hall
  2. Agreement between Hardwick Gazette and Town of Greensboro to share I.T. consultant and related costs

GREENSBORO FIRE DEPT. – Chief Dave Brochu, Jr.       (4:35 – 4:45)

  1. Review monthly report
  2. Capital Budget

ORLEANS COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT.         (4:45 – 4:50)

-Review January report

ROADS & DRIVEWAYS        (4:50 – 5:00)

  1. Road Foreman’s report – Tom Camarra
  2. Brush cutting
  3. McCann curb cut
  4. July Flood/FEMA update

TOWN CLERK – Kim Greaves         (5:00 – 5:05)

-NEMRC – Switching to Cloud Services (remote access)

TREASURER – Brett Stanciu         (5:05 – 5:10)

  1. Treasurer’s monthly report
  2. Review FY 2024 budget, YTD
  3. Review January check warrant reports
  4. ARPA transfer to General Fund         

ONGOING BUSINESS         (5:10 – 5:20)

  1. Stannard Fire Contract – update
  2. Wilson St. drainage issues – update
  3. Community Wastewater System – update
  4. Pre-town meeting informational meeting – should one be held?

OTHER BUSINESS          (5:20 – 5:25)

  1. Delinquent taxes
  2. Wake boats – thank you to Hardwick Electric – David Kelley

EXECUTIVE SESSION – Pending Litigation    (5:25)