Whether you’ve lived here for your whole life, or you’re just visiting for a long weekend, Greensboro and the surrounding area has a lot to offer. Here is a list of resources to get you in touch with the support you need, answer questions about recycling or energy efficiency, and find a local activity or event that the whole family can enjoy.

Events, Arts & Culture
Greensboro Association
The mission of the Greensboro Association is to conceive, advance, and support village initiatives and organizations that enhance our community, and to protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment.
The Greensboro Association keeps a calendar of local events and hosts the Caspian Challenge race around the lake each summer.
Greensboro Free Library
The Greensboro Free Library’s mission is to bring its community together by providing resources and programs for lifelong learning, enrichment and access to the world of information.
In addition to a large catalog of books, the library has meeting spaces, a maker space, computer and internet access, and hosts events throughout the year.
Greensboro Historical Society
Since its founding in 1977, the Greensboro Historical Society has brought together diverse people from the community: descendants of founding families, new residents, members of the summer community, school children, working people and those who have chosen to retire in our town.
The Historical Society hosts exhibits and presentations throughout the year.
Highland Center for the Arts
A performing arts venue and visual art gallery hosting events throughout the year.
2875 Hardwick Street, Greensboro
Rural Arts Collaborative
The Rural Arts Collaborative’s mission is to cultivate vibrancy in our region through art, recreation, technology, and sustainability. It includes Spark, WonderArts, and GRACE.
RAC hosts many events, runs afterschool programs, and has a shared office and printing space.
The Funky 4th
A morning parade usually on the Saturday closest to July 4th.
Parade Route: Along Breezy Avenue from the Country Club Road to the Town Hall.

Donating, Recycling, Composting & Trash
The Giving Closet
The Giving Closet is a community space where everyone is welcome to donate their lightly used, clean items and also to browse for clothes, kitchen items, books, sporting equipment, costumes, and a whole lot more, to take home at no cost.
2nd Floor of the Town Office Building
82 Craftsbury Road, Greensboro
This space is run by volunteers so the hours are always changing. View the calendar and call 802-533-2911 to schedule a donation appointment.
Trash, Recyclables, Compost Collection
Perry’s collects trash priced by the bag.
Free self-sorted recycling managed by volunteers.
A-Z Recycling Guide
Free compost collection by Black Dirt Farm.
Acceptable Items for Compost poster
Household Hazardous Waste collection is free for towns in the NEK Waste Management District.
NEKWMD HHW 2024 pickup schedule
Regular Hours
Saturdays 9 am – 11 am, except holidays.
Wednesdays From 3:30 to 5:30 From week after July 4th to week after Labor Day
In the back of the Town Office Building
82 Craftsbury Road, Greensboro

Four Seasons of Early Learning – A non-profit early education organization offering nature-based preschool and infant & toddler care
Hazen Union School – A public 7th through 12th grade school located in Hardwick
Lakeview Elementary School – A Public K through 6th grade school located in Greensboro

Health & Safety Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction Resources – A state website that connects people with customized treatment and recovery services.
Greensboro Health Officers – A resource for local and regional health concerns
Greensboro Volunteer Fire Department
Greensboro Nursing Home – A non-profit organization providing in-house services for both short term rehabilitation and long term care
Hardwick Rescue Squad – A non-profit volunteer ambulance service serving Greensboro, Craftsbury, Hardwick, Walden, Wolcott, Woodbury, and Stannard
Orleans County Sheriff’s Department – Greensboro contracts with the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department for police services
Senior Services – A state website with a collection of services and resources for senior citizens
Stay Connected
NEK Broadband
NEK Broadband is a Communications Union District (CUD) that includes every town in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, plus Wolcott. They are building public infrastructure to help ensure that every address that has existing electric utility service will have access to affordable, reliable, and high-speed broadband internet. As a non-profit municipality, any revenue created will go towards building and repairing infrastructure and increasing affordability for our residents.
Learn more and register at: https://nekbroadband.org
Newspapers & Online Groups
the Chronicle – an online and print newspaper covering the towns in Orleans County
Front Porch Forum – an online neighborhood forum
Hardwick Gazette – an online newspaper covering the towns of Cabot, Calais, Craftsbury, Greensboro, Hardwick, Marshfield, Plainfield, Stannard, Walden, Wolcott, and Woodbury
News & Citizen – a free online and print newspaper covering the towns in Lamoille County