Sept. 18, 2024 SB Agenda

This will be a hybrid meeting. Join in-person at the Greensboro Free Library, or remotely via Zoom conference call using your computer or phone. For a meeting link and phone number, visit the town calendar at the home page.

For help with joining the meeting, call the town clerk at 533-2911 during office hours.

            CALL TO ORDER & ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA  (6:30-6:35)

            MINUTES (6:35-6:40)

            Approve Meeting Minutes July 25, 2024

Approve Special Meeting August 28, 2024

            Approve Emergency Meeting Minutes September 9, 2024

            PUBLIC CONCERNS (6:40-6:55)

            ROADS – TOM CAMARRA (6:55-7:35)   

            Road Foreman’s Report

             Adopt A Culvert Program/“LWAP” (JoAnn Hanowski)

Open Driveway & Lake Road Plowing Bids

             Vote to Confirm Reclass. of Barton Dr. & Mary White’s Dr. to Class 4

            Sandra MacLeod: request for trucks to dampen brake noise

FEMA Update

            FIRE DEPARTMENT – Dave Brochu (7:35-7:40)

            SHERIFF REPORT (7:40-7:45)

            TREASURER – Brett Stanciu (7:45-7:55)


Town Office Mold Remediation

Rural Edge Update

Wastewater Project

Planning Commission: Misc. Bylaw

Town of Glover Land Proposal to Purchase Portion of G’boro’s Gravel Pit

Greensboro Nursing Home Utility Contract

OTHER BUSINESS (8:25-8:35)

Selectboard Meeting Schedule

Driveway Plowing Contract

Planning Commission Survey, assistance

Possible Grants Committee