This meeting will be a hybrid meeting via Zoom and in person. For instructions on how to join the meeting, visit greensborovt.gov. On the home page, look for the meeting agenda and Zoom link on the calendar. For help with joining the meeting, call the town clerk at 533-2911 during office hours.

Hybrid Meeting

Thursday, January 30, 2025

6:00 pm



  1. Call the meeting to Order
  2. Rescind Monday, January 27th vote that stated: “The selectboard will warn that the vote on the proposed conveyance of the town hall building to Rural Edge is to take place at Town Meeting on March 4, 2025”
  3. Add the following article to the town meeting warning: “Shall the voters of Greensboro Vermont authorize a vote by Australian Ballot on the question of whether to transfer ownership of the Town Hall to Gilman Housing Trust, Inc. DBA Rural Edge?”