• August 19th Special Selectboard Meeting


    AUGUST 19, 2024
    6:00 PM


     Please join neighbors for a potluck dessert gathering at 5:30pm. Bring your favorite “finger” dessert to share.

    The Greensboro Selectboard is sponsoring an informational meeting on Town Hall Redevelopment and the Rural Edge project.  

    Moderator:  Tim Nisbet

    Representatives of Vermont housing funding agencies and Rural Edge have been invited to the meeting to answer any questions that pertain to them.

    Topic: Special Selectboard Informational Meeting

    Time: Aug 19, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 824 558 6005—

    One tap mobile

    ,8245586005# US

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    Dial by your location

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    Meeting ID: 824 558 6005

  • August 24, 2024 Selectboard Meeting


    August 14, 2024 – Agenda

    6:30 pm

    The Selectboard is now holding two regular meetings each month.

                CALL TO ORDER & ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA  (6:30 – 6:35)

                MINUTES     (6:35-6:40)

                Approve minutes from July 24th Meeting

                PUBLIC CONCERNS   (6:40-6:55)


                ROADS – TOM CAMARRA      (7:10-7:35)

                Road Foreman’s Report

                 Truck Trade-In

                Lake Watershed Action Plan     

                FEMA update – Josh

                Extending Emergency Road Authorization

                Glover Land Survey

                Road Concerns

                Isa Oehry Curb Cut

                Road Bids

                FIRE DEPARTMENT – Dave Brochu (7:35 – 7:40)

                SHERIFF REPORT 7:40 – 7:45)

                TREASURER – Brett Stanciu  (7:45-8:00)

                Line of Credit             

    RURAL EDGE UPDATE  (8:00-8:15)

                Rural Edge Town Meeting

    TOWN CLERK – Kim Greaves   ( 8:15-8:20)

                Policy on Signs on Town Property

                Greensboro Nursing Home Emergency Utility Contract

    ONGOING BUSINES       (8:20-8:35)

    Wastewater Project

    Planning Commission: Misc. Bylaw Decision

                                        Shoreland Protection Bylaws

    OTHER BUSINESS    (8:35-8:45)

    Selectboard Meeting Schedule


  • Part-time Recycle Attendant Needed

    The Town of Greensboro is looking for a part-time recycling attendant to work at the Greensboro Recycling Center behind the Greensboro Town Hall. 

    Hours:  Saturday from 8:30 to 11:30 am year round

                  Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:45 pm from the Wednesday after July 4th to the Wednesday after Labor Day.

    Applicants must be able to lift 50 lbs, assist customers with their recycling questions, and perform other duties as requested by Recycle Supervisor.

    Pay is $14.00 per hour

    Please contact Kim Greaves at 802-533-2911 at the Town Office.   Town Clerk Office hours is Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm.


    July 2024 Storm Recovery
    Request for Proposals: Trucking Contractor Services
    Date Issued: Monday 8/5/24 DATE DUE: Wednesday 8/14/24, 12 PM

    Contact for information: Tom Camarra, Greensboro Road Foreman (802) 533-7149
    Submit bids to: townclerk@greensborovt.gov or drop off at the Greensboro Town Offices.
    The Town of Greensboro (‘Town’) is requesting bids for trucking services. Contractor will be
    trucking for the Town road crew as roads are resurfaced and/or damages repaired from the
    storm event of July 10-11, 2024.
    Please submit a bid for trucking services on a per-week cost basis.
    Trucking services will be needed for a minimum of three weeks.
    Contractor awarded the job will be required to sign a contract with the Town.
    When billing, Contractor will itemize trucking costs on a per-road basis.
    The town reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.

    • Thank you for bidding on this project

    Request for Proposals: Excavation and Trucking Contractor Services for repairs to multiple roads.
    Date Issued: Monday 8/5/24 Date Due: Wednesday 8/14/24, 12 PM

    Contact for information: Tom Camarra, Greensboro Road Foreman (802) 533-7149
    Submit bids to: townclerk@greensborovt.gov or drop off at the Greensboro Town Offices.
    The Town of Greensboro (‘Town’) is requesting bids for repairs to the following roads that sustained damage during the storm event of July 10-11, 2024:

    Lyman’s Drive, Cemetery Ridge Rd., Barr Hill Rd., Young Rd., and the roadway over a bridge in Greensboro
    Repairs to be completed are specified in the scope of work below.
    Please submit a single bid with costs itemized out for each of the five road projects.
    Contractor awarded the job will be required to sign a contract with the Town.
    When billing, Contractor must itemize costs on a per-road basis.
    The town reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.

    1. Lyman’s Drive: rebuild road shoulders (95’)
    2. Cemetery Ridge Rd: re-establish ditches and stone line (920’)
    3. Barr Hill Rd: change one culvert, fill in wash, rip rap on outlet end
    4. Young Rd: change one culvert
    5. Roadway over bridge in Greensboro Bend: fill wash (35’)
       Work must be planned in consultation with road foreman Tom Camarra, and comply with Vermont
      Municipal Road Standards.
       Bank run and crushed gravel to be trucked by the contractor as needed from the Town’s Glover pit
       Stone to be trucked from aggregate suppliers by contractor. These suppliers will bill the Town directly
      for this material.
       Town will supply culverts.
       Contractor responsible for traffic control.
       Town will hydroseed where required after completion of project.
    • Thank you for bidding on this project