Greensboro Annual Town Meeting is on March 4th, starting at 10AM. There are important Articles on the Warning, including:
A town budget of $2.4 million and 3 new Selectboard members
Nearly $160,000 in appropriations
Proposal for an Australian ballot vote on Town Hall development
Changes to future town meetings
For all registered voters – please take the pre-Town Meeting SURVEY to share your preferences for future Town Meetings. Printed copies of the survey can be found at the Town Offices and at the Library, together with a specific ballot box for any responses. One survey response per registered voter.
DEADLINE for submitting your Survey responses: February 22nd, 2025
Questions? The Greensboro Communications Working Group will have an information table outside Town Hall at Recycling on Saturday February 15th from 9 -11am, with printed copies of the survey and a sweet treat for those that stop by!