
Zoning Administrator


Brett Stanciu

Mailing address

PO Box 119
Greensboro, VT 05841

Physical address

82 Craftsbury Road
Greensboro, VT 05841

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday9 AM – 4 PM

Please call or email for an appointment.

If you are considering a renovation, a new structure, a new business, or a change of use to your property, the Zoning Administrator is available to answer your questions, to review your options, and to provide an estimated permit time-line for your proposal. Please remember that if your property is in the newly created Shoreland Protection District (which includes both Caspian and Eligo Lakes) there are additional requirements for building and for developing on your parcel.

Zoning Process


Do I need a permit?
The Town of Greensboro requires various permits and approvals for development activities. In Greensboro, the Zoning Administrator (ZA) issues zoning permits. When in doubt, the applicant should check with the Zoning Administrator.

A zoning application must be completed for any development project that involves any of the following activities:

– Any activity that involves construction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of a building if the
footprint, roof plane, or height of the building is changed.
– Any structural renovation or alteration in the Shoreland Protection District.
– Construction or enlargement of boat houses, decks, porches, garages, carports or sheds
– Addition of any new signs
– A home occupation or home business
– Subdivision or Boundary Line Adjustment of properties
– A change of use of a building (yes, going from seasonal to year-round is a change of use).
– Creation or expansion of commercial structures.

Are there any development projects that do not require a zoning permit?
Maintenance projects do not require any zoning approval from the Town. (These exemptions MAY NOT apply to projects in the Shoreland Protection District or Flood Hazard areas, please check with the Zoning Administrator prior to commencement of your project.)

Items which generally do not require a zoning permit include the following:

-Replacement of a roof, siding, windows, decks, porches, doors, and signs at the original location and within the original footprint.

Are all Zoning Permits the same?
No, depending on the project location, size and use, there are different applications or combinations of applications and review for each project. Some applications are relatively simple, some are more complex. There are Permitted and Conditional Uses, Variance, Site Plan, and Subdivision/Boundary Line Adjustment applications. It is best to check with the Zoning Administrator to determine which application(s) and type of review will be required for your project.
What can result from not obtaining a permit?
If a project is done without obtaining the proper permits, the property owner and/or the applicant may:

– Have difficulties obtaining a mortgage, insurance, a clear title when selling a property or collecting on a flood insurance claim.
– Be required to do costly alterations to gain compliance
– Need to remove additions or work done that is not in compliance
– Have doubled fees for development that is commenced before an application is made
– Be involved in legal action.

Can I build as soon as I obtain a permit?
Please be advised, State law allows a 15 day (administrative permit) or 30 day (DRB decision) appeal period after a permit is issued when an interested party may appeal your permit. Construction during that period could be compromised by an appeal.
How does getting a permit affect my tax assessment?
Any permitted development that affects the market value of the property will affect the taxes assessed on that property. Any permitted development started after April 1st of a calendar year will not affect your assessment until April 1st of the following year. For additional information, please contact the Town Assessor.
How long will it take me to get my permit?
It all depends on the type of permit that is needed. An administrative permit issued by the Zoning Administrator for permitted uses (mostly single family homes, additions, sheds, small home occupation and some signs) may only take several days. Other development requiring a Public Hearing before the Development Review Board (DRB) may take a few weeks to a few months depending upon adequacy of application information, State-required warning period, number of hearings and time to draft, finalize and sign the written decision. Also, do not forget the appeal period. If you’re thinking of any development that may require a Town permit it is best to check with the Zoning Administrator sooner rather than later.
Do I need a permit from the State?
Possibly. If you have a well and/or a septic system, then the State will have concerns about any additions or increases in the number of bedrooms. If you are upgrading a home or building from seasonal to year-round, you may also need a State permit. If you are beginning or expanding a commercial venture, you may also need a State permit. (These permits must be obtained from the State of Vermont prior to approval of your town permit). For more information, see the State websites https://www.dps.vermont.gov/services/, https://www.anr.vermont.gov or call a State Permit Specialist at 802-751-0130. The Permit Specialist can also assist you with other “non-construction” permit requirements. Also, new construction and additions over 500 sf must comply with State energy requirements. Lastly, for residential construction, don’t forget that there are State requirements for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

For state wastewater permit info, contact: Jeff McMahon, permit specialist, 802-477-2241; jeff.mcmahon@vermont.gov.

The Agency of Natural Resource’s permit navigator can be found here

Who is responsible for land use regulation?
This pdf from the Vermont Secretary of State reviews the roles and responsibilities of local officials with respect to land use regulation in Vermont municipalities: The Players April 2021
What are best practices for shoreland protection?
The Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control
To be used with the Zoning Application for New Construction and Reconstruction Requests.  Hard copies are available at the Town Offices.

Vermont Low Impact Development Guide for Residential and Small Sites
To be used with the Zoning Application for New Construction and for Reconstruction Requests.  Hard copies are available at the Town Offices.

Landscaping, waterbars, native plants, and other resources from Vermont’s Lake Wise Program.

District Maps

It is important to identify which district your property is in to know what restrictions are in place and which zoning application forms to use.

Zoning Applications

Zoning Fees

Checks, made out to the “Town of Greensboro” may be submitted with the application or payment can be submitted via credit card or e-check online. View All Payment Options.

If a project is started before receipt of zoning approval, then the fees assessed will be doubled.

Accessory Buildings/Decks/Additions$25.00*
New Construction – Residential in all Districts except the Shoreland Protection District$50.00*
New Construction – Residential in the Shoreland Protection District$150.00*
New Construction – Commercial$50.00*
Rebuilt Construction – Residential in the Shoreland Protection District$50.00
Subdivision and Boundary Line Adjustment Permit$25.00*
Development Review Board Hearing$200.00*
Site Plan Review$50.00*
Planned Unit Development Review$150.00*
Sign Permit$15.00*
Recording Fee (per page)$15.00
Appeal Fee$25.00
Zoning Violation Fee (per day)$100.00
Extension of Permit Fee$15.00*
*Each project will also be assessed a $10.00 recording fee.
Adopted on July 1, 2019

Zoning Permits Issued Since 2023

NameDate Modified
2023-0606-Frankel-and-Alcock.pdf 2023 0606 Frankel and Alcock.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 476.72 KB 2023-06-12 June 12, 2023 2023-06-12 June 12, 2023
June 12, 2023
2023-0612-Frankel-Alcock-plans.pdf 2023 0612 Frankel & Alcock plans.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 1.87 MB 2023-06-12 June 12, 2023 2023-06-12 June 12, 2023
June 12, 2023
2023-0607-Hill.pdf 2023 0607 Hill.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 203.82 KB 2023-06-07 June 7, 2023 2023-06-07 June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023
2023-0509-Hardy.pdf 2023 0509 Hardy permit.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 188.72 KB 2023-05-18 May 18, 2023 2023-05-18 May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023



“Variance” and “Conditional Use” permits are granted by the Development Review Board (DRB). You can view those applications and decisions on the DRB page.